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Frederic H [Ric] Martini, PhD
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Image Library Project Begins
I have accumulated many potentially useful images over the last 50 years, and I will be making them available as time permits. I have set...
WWII Source documents available
This month a new website goes live: This site was set up to collect and archive the original documents used to...
A Slimy Hagfish Tutorial
Nanogirl is a science-oriented podcast and newspaper column about science, intended primarily for children but also followed by...
Interviews and Discussions of Betrayed
During the period around Veterans Day I was asked to do a number of live interviews and podcasts about my father's experiences as...
Another hagfish calamity
Hagfish are again in the news, featuring in a lawsuit filed in Oregon. A boat being launched with its mast up contacted power lines and...
Militarizing hagfish
A recent article in Popular Mechanics details progress on the manufacture of synthetic hagfish slime that the Navy hopes can be used to...
Amazon reverses course
Only two weeks after notifying me that Betrayed was unsuitable for the German audience, another notice arrived stating that on further...
Censorship by Amazon - how widespread and to what end?
There have been many published complaints about Amazon, but this problem was quite unexpected. I recently received an email from Amazon...
Betrayed updates [1]
As Ellen Goodman once said, when discussing journalism, "If it's done, it's good," and any cruising sailor knows that if you wait until...
New book publishes on Sq Ldr Philip J Lamason
A new book, "I would not step back," has just been released by the Phil Lamason Heritage Centre Trust, headquartered in Dannevirke, New...
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