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Anatomy and Physiology (2-semester)
Anatomy and Physiology (1-semester)
Topics in Anatomy (1-semester)
Introduction to Oceanography (1-semester)
Marine Vertebrates (6 cr, summer)
Field Marine Science (6 cr, summer)

Non-Credit Courses and Seminars

Marine Mammals (Cornell Adult University)
Sea Floor to Table (Cornell Adult University)
Summit to Sea (Cornell Adult University)
The Deep Ocean
Biology of Tropical Islands
Ocean Exploration and Submersible Technology

Certification Courses and Community Involvement

Instructor for First Aid, CPR, Swimming, Lifesaving, Water Safety (American Red Cross [retired])
SCUBA Instructor (National Association of Underwater Instructors [retired])
Sea Scout troop leader [2005-2008]
Little League baseball coach [2005-2008]

Undergraduate Courses

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