Frederic H [Ric] Martini, PhD

I have a range of interests that include human and comparative anatomy and physiology, oceanography and marine science, seamanship and navigation, and World War II history. This website provides information about my various projects. If you have any questions, just ask.
Latest News
October 2023: Awarded a Masters Degree in Military History, with Distinction, from the University of Wolverhampton, UK.
March 2023: Publication of a science fiction novel, Hounded.
February 2021: A new species of hagfish from the Galapagos Islands is named Myxine martinii. The publication can be found here.
March 2020-June 2021: In New Zealand, sitting out occasional lockdowns. Worked on expansion of Buchenwald Airmen website, a paper on poison fanged blennies, and a novel.
March 2020: Image library goes online, to be expanded as time permits. See related Blog entry. Subsequently taken off-line to find a way to make them freely available for educational use.
February 2020: Capture small hagfish that will be used for genetic studies.
January 2020: Establish the Martini-Welch Family Foundation to support educational and research programs.
December 2019: Buchenwald Airmen website goes live, providing access to scans of source documents on the airmen and other topics covered in Betrayed.
June 2019: Podcast in Auckland, NZ about the biology of hagfishes for a production of Nanogirl, a science program for school kids sponsored by Radio New Zealand.